We love Angular and want to share it with you. Every month we have talks on Angular. Please Join Us:
We are constantly looking for new speakers. If you think you have a topic to share please submit your talk to:
To improve gender diversity we highly encourage women to submit their talks and ideas. We are here to help!
If you’ve never given a talk before, we would love to hear from you! If you are interested, we would be more than happy to connect you with a mentor who can help with your talk.
Each talk will be about 20-30 minutes. We will provide you with a timer to help you track time. If you talk takes more or less time please let us know so that we can accommodate.
If you are not sure if your topic works for the meetup, we are open to experiments. Please submit it and let's see if we can work together to make it happen.
And, if you have any recommendations for possible speakers, perhaps because you have stumbled across their code, or article on the web. Please recommend them to us by email: organizers (at) angularnyc.com
- The AngularNYC Team